Company Profile of Bharat Bijlee Ltd.

Registered Office Electric Mansion   6th Floor   Appasaheb Marathe Marg   Mumbai  -  400025   Maharashtra  
Tel. 24306237
Fax 24370624
Chief Executive Name Mr. Nakul P Mehta
Secretary Name Mr. D N Nagarkar
Face Value 10
Market Lot 1
Business Group Name Not Applicable
Incorporation Date 22/06/1946
Indústry Name Electric Equipment - Transformers
Registrar of Company Not Available
Listed on National Stock Exchange of India limited
  The Stock Exchange, Mumbai

Board of Directors
Name Designation
Mr. Bansi S Mehta Chairman / Chair Person
Mr. Nikhil J Danani Vice Chairman and Mng.Director
Mr. Deepak S Parekh Director
Mr. Shome N Damani Whole Time Director
Mr. Prakash V Mehta Director
Mr. Sanjiv N Shah Director
Mr. Jairaj C Thacker Director
Mr. Mukul Harkisondass Director
Mr. Nakul P Mehta Vice Chairman and Mng.Director
Mr. Jaisingh R Danani Director
Mr. Meghendra Kumar Director
Mr. Anand J Danani Director

Key Executives
Name Designation
Mr. D N Nagarkar Comp. Secretary &Sr. GM- Legal and Compl. Officer
Mr. S B Godbole VP - Finance

Yearly High Lows
Year High Low
1990 3,000.00 550.00
1991 3,400.00 725.00
1992 7,000.00 1,450.00
1993 2,125.00 900.00
1994 2,600.00 1,250.00
1995 2,700.00 1,050.00
1996 2,376.00 910.00
1997 1,680.00 250.00
1998 450.00 224.50
1999 310.45 175.10
2000 209.50 115.50
2001 187.65 52.40
2002 315.00 110.00
2003 718.30 130.00
2004 2,428.90 682.25
2005 5,631.30 440.00
2006 1,709.25 697.00
2007 3,825.00 1,111.00
2008 4,068.00 500.05